
Free Dinner

Here is our menu for our free community dinners in February. Woohoo, looks yummy! Tonight is baked potatoes with all...

Citywide Celebration

The November city wide celebration of God’s presence is tomorrow at 6:30 at Church of the Open Door. These services...

Taco Tuesday

Tacos are always a hit and that’s why we put them on the menu this month. Serving at 6pm!


Meatballs are what’s for dinner! We have a variety of sauces to choose from. We will also make some potato...

Fall Festival Fun

Fall Festival tonight at the elementary gym! Event details:

Sausage and Rice

Woohoo! We are going to be blessed today with Ms Andrea cooking dinner. Sausage and rice at 6pm, don’t miss...

Taco Tuesday

It’s Taco Tuesday! See you at 6pm. Here is our menu for the month. Some of our favorites!


LAMP Ministries is part of the McGregor Ministerial Alliance and the alliance is offering scholarships to anyone who wants to...


Brinner is the winner! We love breakfast and we love it even more when we get it twice in one...


Tonight we are back to our regular community dinner at 6pm. We have hot dogs and chili. Yum!

The Community Altar

Pastor Nate continues his sermon series on the 5 altars of prayer with the community altar.

Soup and Salad

It’s the end of the month so we’re going to keep it simple. Soup and salad tonight at 6pm before...

Hot Dogs!

We are have hot dogs for our free community dinner tonight. Bring a friend!

Dinner Tonight

Tonight we have soup and salad, but we also have a bit of spaghetti and garlic bread to share. Free...


Dinner, dinner, dinner! Here is our community dinner menu for March. Yes, we will have a meal tomorrow even though...