Free Dinner
Here is our menu for our free community dinners in February. Woohoo, looks yummy! Tonight is baked potatoes with all...
Here is our menu for our free community dinners in February. Woohoo, looks yummy! Tonight is baked potatoes with all...
It’s our once a month ladies time tonight at 5pm! Don’t miss out. We have been enjoying the prayer study...
Psalm 34:8: Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Look...
We will be delivering food boxes from Shepherd’s Heart to about 25 families in McGregor tomorrow. Meet at the church...
Our mission giving for August was donated to Shepherd’s Heart. We work with Shepherd’s Heart to bring 25+ food boxes...
When I told the kids we were having spaghetti tonight they cheered. 🙂 See you at 6pm!
It’s almost time for the next school year to start, so let’s have a little late night fun before we...
Menu change alert! We have a special treat tonight. One of our ladies wanted to cook for us so we...
We pick up food boxes for 25 families in McGregor. This month we will be distributing them on Friday at...
Back to regular schedule means back to Tuesday meals! Starting the 9th at 6pm. Y’all come on out.
It’s the end of the month so we’re going to keep it simple. Soup and salad tonight at 6pm before...
Casserole going in the oven soon for tonight’s free dinner at 6pm. Hard to beat tater tot casserole!
Pizza pizza pizza! We are having pizza tonight at 6pm for our community dinner followed by the third lesson in...
Dinner and a class! Chicken wings tonight at 6pm followed by the SHAPE study for children, youth, and adults at...
It’s breakfast for dinner tonight. You don’t want to miss because Ms Bethany is helping out. 😉 See you at...
We’re back! We have dinner tonight at 6pm followed by classes for kids, youth, and adults at 7pm. Here is...
Ms Bethany is making us her special loaded potato soup tonight and we’ll have salad to go with it. Don’t...
A kid favorite tonight. Chili dogs (with or without the chili) at 6:15. Don’t be late!
Dinner menu for October. Taco Tuesday tonight. Yum! Please note we will be at the Hay Barn Festival on Oct...
Tonight is soup and salad at 6:15. We have broccoli cheese and some left overs from the potluck. Yummy!
Breakfast, it’s what’s for dinner tonight! Free community dinner at 6:15. Yum!
Here is our Tuesday night dinner menu. Woohoo! 6:15 at the fellowship hall. Free food, good friends.