

What can go wrong with cheese and tortillas? Quesadillas are dinner tonight at 6:15. #freefood#mcgregortx#activelovechurch

Tater Tot Casserole

Tater tot casserole in the oven for free dinner tonight at 6:15! Bring a friend and join us. #mcgregortx#freefood#activelovechurch

March Menu

Here are the meals we have planned for March. Join us on Tuesdays at 6:15 for a free dinner!


We are having chicken stir fry for our free community meal tonight at 6:15. All are welcome! #freefood#mcgregortx#activelovechurch


We are having pizza tonight for our free community dinner at 6:15. See you there and Happy Valentine’s Day! May...

February Menu

Here is our planned menu for February community dinners. Hope to see you there! #freefood#activeloveyourcity#activelovechurch

Tuesday Events

We love Tuesdays! Tonight we have Tatertot Casserole for our Free Community Dinner at 6:15. Following at 7, we are...

Community Dinner

We are trying something new on Tuesdays! Come for a free dinner at 6:15pm followed by adult, youth, and children’s...

Free Class

We are excited to offer a free financial class next week in partnership with Rocket Federal Credit Union. Details: