
Jesus as Savior

Today in VBS we will learn about Jesus in New Testament times and how he saves us. #activeloveevents #activeloveverse

Jesus Gentle

Our theme of the week is kindness and gentleness. Out of the verses we studied in our group, I was...

Be the Center

Hannah played Jesus At The Center of It All last night which is a good song. But when we knew...

Centrality of Christ

Here is the preview of our first lesson in our Faith Foundations series. Our main question is: Is Christ the...

A Baby

Hannah wrote a Christmas song last year but we were unable to ‘release’ it, so she saved it for this...

Gifts Under Your Tree

If you are like our family, you have probably decorated for Christmas already and started to collect gifts under your...

The Bridge

Pastor Nate taught The Bridge Illustration last week.

Deity of Jesus

Last week Pastor Nate shared with us about the Deity of Jesus, you can watch the video below. Tonight at...

Jesus, the Son of God

Last week Pastor Nate presented The One True God. Tonight we will be reviewing Jesus Is The Son of God.

Love Weeps

One of the few times in my life so far that I feel like I heard the audible voice of...


How have you reacted to the interruptions in your life? This question seems very appropriate due to the varied way...

Jesus Afraid?

Here’s a question to ponder. Do you think Jesus was ever afraid? Discussion welcome. We think we could make a...