Love Pauses 2
Who likes to be interrupted? Who likes having plans derailed and things cancelled or postponed? Who likes being put on...
Who likes to be interrupted? Who likes having plans derailed and things cancelled or postponed? Who likes being put on...
Pausing seems to be very closely related to waiting, but we are not talking about just stopping what you are...
A song for our theme this week: Lyrics:Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling,Calling for you and for me.See, on the...
Is God really patient? Is he really waiting on us? A lie that so many of us believe is that...
Love is Patient!Image cred:
Patience is not normally what we think of first when we think of love. But “love is patient” is the...
Image cred: HBMText: Bible Word of the day “love”. God is singing over you!
A parent soothes a crying baby by picking them up and cuddling them. A mother kisses away an owie on...
At Active Love, we believe love is a person – God. We also believe love is an action verb. True...