
Hope House Missions

What a great morning! We enjoyed hosting Hope and hearing her testimony. Here is the teaser: And the full video:...

Answering the Call of Grace

We had beautiful fall weather yesterday morning for our park outing! Dr. Edwards gave a nice message on Answering the...


Pancakes and Missions on Sunday at 9:30am at Amsler Park! Free to all. Event details: https://www.facebook.com/events/1664524791046623

August Spotlight

Our mission giving for August was donated to Shepherd’s Heart. We work with Shepherd’s Heart to bring 25+ food boxes...

1 Cor 11:1

We had a beautiful morning yesterday with the Kinnons. They shared their heart for the college student and gave us...

Chi Alpha

We heard from Samuel and Natalie Kinnon about their heart for the college students at Angelo State University.

Missions Sunday

We are excited to host the Kinnons on Sunday for our missions emphasis. They will be working with Chi Alpha...

Missions Impact

We don’t always get to know the impact of our missions dollars, but yesterday the Parkmans gave us an update...


We got to hear an update from the Parkmans on their work in the Philippines. They are heading back in...


It’s Mission Sunday with the Parkmans this week. That means potluck! The church will provide spaghetti as the main. Please...

Spaghetti Lunch

We are starting to fill our pre-orders! Doors open 11:30. Come see us spaghetti salad garlic bread and dessert and...

Peru Mission

Tonight at 6:30pm is our Peru Mission Trip information session. We will hopefully answer all the questions and make a...

Matthew 28:19-20

We had Missionary Jimmy Kitchens with us yesterday for a leadership conference and today for worship. He shared a great...

Mission to Caribbean

Jessy and family came to share today about their heart for the Caribbean and how they are fulfilling the great...

Estonia Missions

We enjoyed hosting Marci and hearing of her heart for Estonia. Here is the message she shared and the challenge...

Estonia Preview

Here is a short preview of the information Missionary Marci will be sharing on Sunday about Estonia. We hope to...


How do you answer David’s question? What will your epitaph say? Things to ponder this week. #activeloveyourworld#activelovedeeper

Missions Sunday

We had a great time worshipping with Danielle and learning about keeping the harvest.

Missions Sunday

We are looking forward to hosting Brandon Holmes this Sunday at 10:30am. More details: https://www.facebook.com/events/505684237982246 This week:Thursday at 7pm –...