

No one can take your testimony away from you! We love testimonies and were blessed to have two shared on...

Battle Stations

Sometimes the unending prayer list seems overwhelming and the enemy whispers in our ear, “Is God even listening?” But we...


Today is our women’s fellowship at 5pm. Join us for support, prayer, and a short study. Bring a friend. We...

Miracle Altar

We had internet connection issues this morning with our live stream, but we were able to record so the sermon...

The Community Altar

Pastor Nate continues his sermon series on the 5 altars of prayer with the community altar.

Each Others

We weren’t meant to do this life alone. God is continually in fellowship with the Holy Spirit and Jesus and...

Core Altar

Pastor Nate continues his series “The 5 Altars of Prayer” with the Core Altar.

Living Sacrifices

In his kickoff on the altars of prayer yesterday Pastor Nate challenged us all to spend a little more time...

Personal Altar

Pastor Nate started a new series on the altars of prayer. He gave an overview and then taught on the...

New Series

Join us Sunday morning at 10:30am for the kickoff of a new sermon series to finish out the summer: “The...


We will not have Armory tonight, we will be joining other churches in the McGregor area at the Ministerial Alliance...

War Room

We are kicking off our new adult bible study, War Room, tonight at 7 and on Sunday mornings at 9:30....

James 5

What a sweet time we had yesterday with the Holy Spirit ministering to our members. James 5:13-15 #activeloveverse#prayer#activelovechurch

Prayer Time

We had a sweet time of prayer today and between that, worship, and communion we didn’t have a message. Catch...


Tomorrow is National Day of Prayer. We will be joining other McGregor area churches for a prayer and worship service...


Sunday’s sermon was: How can you level up your prayer life?

New Location!

We are so blessed to have the opportunity to rent The Hub for our church events going forward. Connections has...