The Bridge to Life

This week we are discussing New Life – Salvation. Pastor Nate shares a very simple explanation of why people need salvation and how to get it. He learned this tool from a previous pastor who learned it from the Navigators in college. Here is the link to the Navigators official page where you can read it and download it for yourself – The Bridge to Life. You can also view a video of Pastor Nate sharing the bridge in our video library.

Our mission at Active Love church can be summed up as love God, love people, reach the lost, and grow disciples. This post and the link above are the core beliefs for a Christian. Everyone needs to hear this message. It is for those who are tired of trying to be good enough. For those who have to work really hard all the time doing good deeds to make up for the bad things they have done. For someone who feels a longing for a better place or wonders what happens when you die. This message is a reminder for the believer that we can’t earn salvation, that we have to lay down our lives, stop striving, and take up the gift that Jesus offers to anyone who asks for it.

1 John 5
11 And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12 Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss salvation or if you think you are saved but are still worried you won’t get to heaven. We love sitting down over a meal or a snack and getting to know people and hear their hearts. We love sharing this message in particular. Don’t wait, because tomorrow isn’t promised!