The Peace Guard

Today I am reminded of the movie Kung Fu Panda II. Po (the Dragon Warrior) is trying to achieve ‘inner peace’ but is unable to due to distractions in the present and turmoil in his past. The whole movie he is attempting to find this peace with little success. He does eventually ‘figure it out’ and save the day. But it reminded me of this promise from Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” We don’t have to ‘figure out’ how to get inner peace all by ourselves, it isn’t something we can just whip up when we need it.

The peace of God is a gift. Peace sounds great in and of itself. Who doesn’t need a little bit of harmony and contentment in their daily lives? But it gets even better than that! Paul tells us that when we have the peace of God it will “guard” our hearts AND our minds. It will act as a buffer to repel so many of the little things that we sometimes let get under our skin and bother us. With peace standing guard, those little worries and naggings will not get through the outer defenses. We will have a healthy emotional and thought life when we walk in God’s peace. And what do we have to do to get this peace? Does it require penance or money or a quiet place at the top of a mountain with no distractions? Not at all, verse 6 gives us the answer. Spend time with God. Give your worries to him and be thankful.

God is waiting for you to spend time with him. He wants to give you his peace. Give it a try today!