The Throne Room

We did a study on the throne room last night in class (Revelation 4) as a continuation of our identity discussion. It is amazing that multiple different prophets had very similar descriptions of the same place. I couldn’t find any good depictions that seemed to pull in everything that John mentions so I’m not adding them here. But the thought that we want to press home today is that we have access to the throne room (Eph 2:6) and all of God’s riches because we are co-heirs with Christ (Rom 8:17). When we enter God’s presence we are blameless because of Jesus’ death (1 Cor 3:16). We are princes and princesses of the kingdom. Let this sink into your spirit today. Do you really believe these truths and promises? When you do, it changes everything.

Spend some time in the throne room with your daddy today. Let him tell you what he thinks of you and let him guide you as you make your way through your day. He loves you!