Vision 2020

We have been talking about 2020 for so long. The college I attended had a 2020 campaign for things they wanted to achieve (and that was 20 years ago). We have made slogans and goals based on having 2020 vision. We were all really hoping for flying cars by now! As the year has progressed along with all the problems we are facing, there have been many jokes that 2020 vision isn’t any fun, and so on.

I’ve heard a lot of predictions and prayers for this year and I believe that is why we are seeing so much drama. God is responding to our prayers and the enemy is trying to take down anything that is good. There are signs of the end times, but we aren’t there yet. We need to continue to be vigilant.

I’m adding a Vision 2020 series of posts. They will be from the safety of hindsight. One for each month. I don’t like jumping on every bandwagon and every media fad as they come, but I do believe the Christian church needs to voice truth. We’ll see how it goes!

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Romans 12:2

We need to pay enough attention to the things happening around us to speak love and ask God how we should be acting in the midst of them, but we also need to protect our minds and not get dragged down. I’m holding on to Romans 12:2 this year and in this series.